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New issue out now!
Messages From Our Team
Exam – A2 Key Data examen: JOI = 15 decembrie 2022; Versiune: computer-based; Taxele: 425 lei Link-ul de inscriere la examenele...
Despite the scorching temperatures in July and August, several students from our town most surely know what they want! They know their...
Special Arad Article
School Issues
Moise’s Legacy
Maia Popa, XII A When the concept of “Moise’s Insight” first started forming in my mind, it was merely a hazy, blurred outline of...
My “Moise Journey”: A Blend of Nerves, Friendships, and Self-Discovery
Eva Guțu, XII A High school is often depicted as a whirlwind of academic pressures, social dynamics, and personal growth. Reflecting on...
Why Should You Care?
Eric Duma, XII A Dear Reader, Through our articles, we have tried to present the most relevant social and political events, from subjects...
Social Issues
Student Advice
Local News
BBMN 2022
Alessia Zoldi (XI F), Maria Pătcaș (XI B), Maia Popa (XI A) The 29th of November marked a tremendously important date for both the...
Euroweek 2022- Denmark and Sweden
Maria Pătcaș, 11B Euroweek is an annual meeting between students and teachers from European nations. It takes place every year at the end...
Erasmus Programme 2022
Sara Mos, 10F Erasmus projects are the perfect opportunity to create long-lasting friendships with people from around the world, travel...
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Why Should I Write?
Introducing a not-so-new form of relief and creativity, writing has been with us since the 4th millennium BCE and ever since then, it has...
Music - The Only Universal Language
Alexia Firca, XI A I always think about how throughout history, every civilisation has created its own way of living. Every place on this...
Does Fiction Reveal Truth That Reality Obscures?
Maia Popa, XII A The very essence of humankind lies within fiction. From the beginning, the characteristic that set Homo Sapiens apart...
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